Saturday, July 5, 2008

i should also mention...

so now i'm in "blog-update" mode.....

a few things have changed since i last posted: Manuel has a job! He's working as an "integration consultant" at a software firm here in the city. It's right at the harbour and only about a 10 minute walk from home (or 5 if he runs :) ).....It's a fairly small company and they are very new, but Manuel has already signed us both up to play on the company indoor soccer I've had the opportunity to meet his boss and colleagues and they are very cool. and I get a team jersey! rock on! In honour of his new 'grown-up" job, we spent our saturday yesterday shopping for business attire. he sure cleans up nicely! (i'll try to get some pictures if he'll agree to a fashion show...)

and in news for me: I met with some guys at a design company out in Miramar (wellington suburb..home of Peter Jackson..) last week who are in the process of carving a giant styrofoam tree that will then be coated in fiberglass and installed as a children's interactive exhibit in a museum here....anyways, they've asked me to come and do the painting workup! so that will be a really cool project and hopefully a really great contact in the industry for me! and plus, unlike the theatre work that i paint and is destroyed as soon as the show closes, this will be around for years! cool! i'll update about this again later :)


Valerie Miller said...

Hey Nikki!

Okay, I just looked at the other website with all the cool photos yesterday for the first time! I left you a comment there, so I won't babble too much on here! Great blog, I am terrible at updating mine....but I try to as often as I can. Your first place looks nice and cozy! Looking forward to keeping in touch!

Leslie Bebout said...

Awwwwwww (me screaming) I just did a long comment and I lost it!

-LOVE the blog
-Congrats on job
-Post pics of your "tree" project and you & Manuel in soccer jerseys.
-I'm loving reading everyone else's blogs....not updating mine very well..sorry
-It's raining in Ohio
love you!