Monday, July 5, 2010

Paintings for NZ Art Show

This has pretty much been the state of our living room for the past week, as I scrambled to get my paintings done for the show (in time to have them matted and framed too!). This, however, is NOTHING compared to what our living room used to look like when I had to make a model for my Scenic Design classes at ECU. (Shannon, Laura, Tara, and Michelle can all attest to that!)

Here is my most recent Fantail painting. I started using some new ink that I found on sale at the French Art shop in Welly for more saturated and intense background colours.

This guy I started pretty much a year ago and then abandoned...then dug out again to finish for the show. His name is Yellow.

And this last one is the first one I did, also about a year ago. He's been hanging on my wall, but I took him down and out of his cheap Salvation Army frame to get all gussied up and re-framed for the show. Sure hope I sell a couple of these!

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